L O V I N G  L I F E
K E E P I N G  F I T N E S S  F U N
H E L P I N G  O T H E R S

Health & wellness enthusiasts specialising in delivering engaging & enjoyable outdoor physical activity programmes to local communities.

L O V I N G  L I F E
K E E P I N G  I T  F U N
H E L P I N G  O T H E R S

Life-lovers championing others to embrace their own to the fullest, providing inspiration & education; encouraging communication & participation; promoting community & equality.

L O V I N G  L I F E
K E E P I N G  T R A V E L  F U N
H E L P I N G  O T H E R S

An enticing compilation & celebration of this magical, Caribbean island, seen through the eyes of a ‘second generation-er’. Strictly personal recommendations, revelations & proudly, not a single professional photo in sight.